Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wow, I haven't blogged in a while

Let's see, what's new? Well first off, I have organized my postal stuff and unfortunately I have dropped a bunch of postals. (Rings and Singles) For anyone who missed my post, I am not in financial trouble and my 'husband' did not ban me from postals. I just decided that I need to focus on quality and not quantity. So far so good. I have 100 active trackers right now and I think that's plenty. I've decided to host a boxing buddy as well. That ought to be fun.
I never got to write about our awesome Camping trip in Littlmoon's yard. We had the best time. Shoebee was so happy, he bought me a postal scale. It was cool to see the weight change after removing excess tape off the envelopes. (Sorry MWL I know you like that part, but me too) Sometimes it changed the amount by .2 which blew my mind. So I have to go out with the Family for now but hopefully I'll get to blog again soon. :)
Thanks for reading.

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